This blog is for all of the people that I love but am unable to talk to on a regular basis. Friends who live overseas, family who lives farther away, and all of the other friends that are just as busy as I am and do not have time for daily chats. I hope we can stay better connected through this blog, because although we don't have time to talk everyday, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! This is my attempt at keeping you as a daily part of my life.
Monday, April 9, 2012
The problem is.... he has shown agression towards other dogs (including our other dog Smoke) and 3 kids! The first two kids we could justify.... the first time he was eating and 6 kids surrounded him, of course he would be upset. The second time a kid was trying to play with him but I think he just saw it as her taking his toys from him.... But the third time was completely unprovoked and uncalled for. While we don't ahve kids yet, its not fair to Bentley that every time our neice or friends come over he gets locked away in the bedroom. We thought about rehoming him but can't responsibly say that that would be a safe option. What happens if he runs away from his new home (which he likes to do) and encounters kids while hes on his field trip? It just is not safe.
I'm so scared to go to the appointment today. I don't want to do this at all. Ugh. Tom wants to burry him in the garden but we're not sure that we can dig down far enough. Also now sure if I can handle driving the 30 minutes back from the vets with Bentley in the back seat. We might have him creamated and spread his ashes in the garden (his favorite place to dig and lay down). I'm getting tears all over the keyboard as I type this. Man this sucks.
March Resolutions Update
No update... still not happening regularly. Will be down to one dog after this afternoon :( Must make walking him a bigger priority. (See next blog post for more info on the dogs)
2. Run two week nights and one long run on the weekend.
I haven't been tracking it in this fashion but since Tom for me a MiCoach for my birthday I have run 6 times in the past two weeks. I have workouts already scheduled on my MiCoach calendar for now until June 10th when I finihs my first running program using it. YAY.
3. Do a workout video on nights when Tom is on night work.
Have not been doing this... but basketball practice has been helping to give me some strength training mixed in with the running. Also going to try 20 pushup and 20 sit ups 3 times a day starting when I go back to work on Tuesday. When I first get to work, before picking the class up from recess and before driving home. Takes 2 minutes to do this. No excuses. In fact changing this resolution....
3. 20 pushups and 20 situps 3times a day when at work.
Done! Sort of.... Last night I was on facebook and some people showed up that I probably meant to get rid of. When I was doing this over the weekend facebook show me an alphabetical list of my friends so I had to keep searching letter by letter and I think some people slipped through the cracks.
5. Print out pictures once a month and put into photo album. Having a digital camera has killed my photo albums.
Ummm... did not take any pictures in March. What is wrong with me? I love pictures! Maybe I'll just keep my camera out and on the kitchen counter as a visual reminder. Hmmmm....
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I love Aldie's
The first time Tom took me to Aldie I remember being terrified. There are no shelves, stuff is just stacked on packing crates. Nothing name brand exists. Worst of all, you can't use credit. I was totally freatked out.
Now that I am used to it though... I love how much money we save shopping there. I would be in a commercial for them. They're amazing.
Valentines Day
Resolution update
Hahahahahaha... I think we have walked the dogs maybe once a week.... ugh. WILL GET BETTER ABOUT THIS.
2. Run two week nights and one long run on the weekend.
We did this two weeks ago. Tom hurt his back last week. I could run by myself... but it gets dark before I would finish a run so I don't like to. Have been running at least 3 miles on the tred mill on Sat. mornings.
3. Do a workout video on nights when Tom is on night work.
Once. All month. Ugh. Better next month? See work out or blog post for more details.
4. Cleanse facebook friends (sorry... but if i haven't talked to you since the one class we had together in high school... then we probably don't need to keep in touch)
No progress... probably won't work on this until the summer when school and classes are over.
5. Print out pictures once a month and put into photo album. Having a digital camera has killed my photo albums.
I only took 4 pictures in February! Pathetic. I do have a lot of photo album catching up to do. Maybe spring break? I have through summer 2011 in my photo album. Need to finish 2011 and start 2012. Must take more pictures for 2012 to be an interesting photo album.
Side note- had totally forgotten about this resolution before copy and pasting this list for this blog post. I like it a lot. Need to remember to do it in March!!!!
Work out or blog?
I even tried to motivate myself to get dressed and take a class at the gym. There is a class at 7 pm.... but I am usually in bed by 8pm. If I go take the class I won't be home until 8:30. THen have to shower... it will be 9:30 or 10 before I get in bed. ugh.
I really wish I could get up in the morning and work out... I am definitely a better morning person. But my alarm already goes off at 5 am (and I get out of bed about 5:20... yes I know... 20 min right there I could be working out....) In reality if I was going to work out in the morning I would have to be up and out of bed at 4:45. 10 min to change and wake up. NOw I'm startin gmy workout at 4:55. I could do a Jillian 20 min work out and be done at 5:15. But seriously... who wants to be awake at 4:45 am? Not this girl.
I am doing pretty good on teh weekends... I have been meeting up with a friend before my shift on Saturday mornings (oh yeah... I switched shifts at the gym... I now work on Sat morning from 7:45-1pm instead of Sunday from 1-6pm). The shift change has been amazing not only because of the working out... but mentally it is really nice to be done with work on Saturday at 1pm. I used to dred going to work on Sunday afternoon all weekend. Now I don't have to worry about that! This past Sunday I took a class at the gym and then went for an hour long walk around the harbour.
Antoher thought- I must find sneakers! Tom and I looked at the mall on Saturday. We went into at least 6 shoe stores. I wish I was kidding. No one had the sneakers I want (the ones with the really flexible soles- I think they will be the perfect obstacle course shoes!) in my size for under 100 dollars. Gonna check the outlets on our way to family game night in a few weeks.
Wow. Clearly when I don't blog for a while my blog posts turn into one rambliung anicdote that covers lots of different topics. Hope my line of thought is not too dilluted.....
I am open to thoughts and suggestions about working out!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Shoes, shoes, shoes
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We had to take this picture twice... the first time the shoes were not in the correct order of release.... |
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These have been worn once or twice |
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Same with these... |
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This pair is the really special ones (or so I was told). They have never been worn and will never be worn. What you can't see in this picture bc of the lighting is that on the bottom of the shoe are all of Michael Jordan's accomplishments written into the tread. They can't be worn for fear of scuffing the words.
Date night
We ended up meeting them on their new boat (which is amazing) and enjoying a bottle of champagne to celebrate their new purchase.
100th day of school
Froot loop necklace with 100 froot loops.
Hat (made out of a sentence strip) with 100 tally marks on it and a big colorful 100.
Hide the number 100 in a detailed picture.
Prior the the 100th day we decided to make t shirts for all the kids. The idea was to have each kid bring in a shirt and paint 10 hand prints on the shirt to make 100 fingers. Luckily I have some really great parents so we had enough t shirts donated for the whole class. I underestimated how expensive fabric paint is though. For 7 bucks a friend at work got me a set with 3 colors of puffy fabric paint. Luckily she had started her shirts on Monday and told me that she only for through 6 shirts with the paint she had. I was planning on doing my shirts on Tuesday so I had time to change plans. We ended up painting the number 100 with the paint and having the kids smudge the paint with their fingers to make it wider. Then we signed the back of the shirts with sharpies. They turned out cute but I think the hand prints were cuter.... maybe next year.
Chocolate Waffles
First round of drinks at the bar while we were waiting for a table... the girl was very sweet and said the first round was on the house (thanks to Tom's BCFD sweatshirt). Dinner was delicious (cobb salad with grilled chicken for me, prime rib for Tom, and a bloomin onion to share).
The real treat for the evening though was dessert.... chocolate waffles with oreo cookie crumbs and vanilla ice cream.
Resolutions... better late than never
1. Walk the dogs daily (at least on days when i am home before 6pm). It's not fair to them that we have a fenced in back yard bc it makes us be lazzzyyyy dog owners.
2. Run two week nights and one long run on the weekend.
3. Do a workout video on nights when Tom is on night work.
4. Cleanse facebook friends (sorry... but if i haven't talked to you since the one class we had together in high school... then we probably don't need to keep in touch)
5. Print out pictures once a month and put into photo album. Having a digital camera has killed my photo albums. I'm lucky if I print out my pics once a year (which leads to a walmart online photo order of like 300 pics at a time)
That's all I've got for now.... maybe more to come later.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Family Game Night
Cranium, charades, poker, apples to apples, halloween mummy wrap.
This month... Aunt Nancy and Mark got serious. Game night is now themed. The bar has been raised just a little bit higher....
We got to their house and the sign on the front door reads:
I also decided that drinking wine from a chamapgne flue makes everything seem fancier!
Dinner for One
Buffalo chicken dip is my favorite go to. Cream cheese, chicken, hot sauce, ranch dressing,. Yummm. It has protein and it takes less then 10 minutes to make.... perfect.
That was last Wednesday. On Thursday I went back to my elementary school days for this favorite meal....
Ellicot City
Christmas Condensed
I'm a little embarassed to say that the decorations stayed like this for another week until I finally boxed them up and brought them to the basement....
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Exercise mania!
Ugh... on my drive home I was talking to Erin and was trying to think of reasons not to work out. But it was nice out. And there was almost no traffic. I got home around 5. After being lazy and cuddling on the couch we finally got up to take the dogs for a walk.
When we got back we did a work out for time... 5 rounds of the following:
5 pull ups (with a chair for me)
10 push ups (I did all 5 rounds with real push ups not girl ones)
30 crunches
40 bicycles
20 squats
I finished all 5 rounds in 11 minutes! (About 2 minutes before Tom!- although he was doing 10 pull ups and 20 push ups)
Hooray! He'll be at work tomorrow... hopefully I can motivate myself to work out on my own....
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
By the time I got home, I had convinced myself that I had to work out (thank goodness). i did level 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Oh man...
Out on the town
That being said... last night a friend of mine wanted some company to a friend's going away party. I asked Tom if he minded and he was glad to get rid of me for the evening (football was on). So last night I went out for the first time in a long time solo. Christine picked me up at 9:30 (usually I am in bed by then...). We headed to the going away party and then to stalking horse in Fed Hill. It was a great night! (Although this morning was a little rough....).
I work out so that I can eat...
Same thing happened on Saturday.... we headed to the gym at 7:30 am (after taking Tom's car to get his emissions tested... it passed... THANK GOODNESS!). We ran for a little bit, about two miles. Today's run was much faster. Tom and I were competing for speed. I topped out at 8 MPH for a half mile... Tom made it up to 8.5 MPH. After the run we went to starbucks for breakfast. Then I worked at the front desk from 9-1pm and Tom took a group fitness class at 10am.
At 1pm Hannah, Tom and I all headed to Mick O'Sheas for BRUNCH (which is in my opinion... the best meal ever). I went with the Powerhouse Turkey sandwich and mimosas!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Running... or rather walking.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Cool new gadget
This morning when I got in the car (after very little sleep... see the previous blog post) my low tire pressure light was on. If I was a normal person and worked somewhat close to home this wouldn't be a huge deal... but my commute is about an hour each way. I checked my purse and only found two quarters. That meant driving out of my way to get to the Hess gas station with free air. When I got there the machine was broken. Of course. I drove all the way to work with the light on.
I was hitting up one of my teammates for quarters at the end of the day. After giving me a dollar she tells me she has a portable air compressor thing in her car that plugs into the cars cigarette lighter and asked if I want to use it. Ummm.... YES!
Nothing good happens after 1 am....
I watched the movie while we were in NY and LOVED the movie. I will probably end up buying it and watching it 10 more times. So going into reading the book my expectations were high. I have to say, after the first few chapters I was still thinking that the movie might be better. Then it got good. I mean real good.
Last night Tom was on night shift and I spent my evening on the couch with a glass of wine and a delicious chocolate covered pretzel and my book.
(side note: I love that Google chrome is automatically orienting my pictures the correct way as I upload them instead of keeping them how the original file is... thank you Google!)
Around 10 pm I convinced myself to go up to bed. But I kept reading.
At about 10:30 I talked to Tom and decided to finish my chapter before bed.
At 11:30 pm I actually put the book down and turned the lamp off.
At 11:40 pm, I was still awake and figured I might as well keep reading.
Around 12:40 am I had gotten through the next Miss Skeeter section (her parts are my favorite... I'm loving the romance between her and Stuart) and decided enough was enough. I closed the book with only a few chapters to go and decided I had to sleep.
At 1 am I was still awake but did not start reading again. Sometime after that I fell asleep.
At 5 am my alarm went off for my first day back to school in over a week.... what was I thinking?
Getting my butt in gear
One of the mud runs, the Spartan Race, posts a workout of the day and sends you an email at 10 pm each evening with the following days workout. Most of the time I laugh as I read the ridiculously hard workout while I lay in bed. However, Friday nights email (with Saturday's workout) actually sounded doable so I hit the gym Saturday morning to give it a try:
12 burpees
400 meter run
11 burpees
400 meter urn
10 burpees
400 meter run
well you get the idea... this nonsense kept up until you got down to 0 burpees.
I did it! And this spurred me to get back on the workout bandwagon. Sadly I was feeling lazy and unmotivated on Sunday and Monday... but this evening I was feeling like I needed to do something. Here is today's Work out of the day. I modified it to look like this (because lets face it... a 5 minute plank was not happening... and if it was... it certainly was not happening 3 times):
10 push ups
2 min plank
50 crunches
10 push ups
2 min plank
50 bicycles
10 push ups
2 min plank
50 leg lifts
All of this was accomplished while watching one episode of How I Met Your Mother on netflix. Pretty successful evening. Tomorrow I'm headed to my brothers house to baby sitt my niece, but I hope to go for a 3-4mile run on Thursday. We'll see....