Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas this year was on the worst possible day if you are a teacher... Sunday. That means we had to work allllll week leading up to Christmas. I'm talking Monday-Friday. Yuck. Luckily my team does a "winter rotation" on the day before break... so our classes rotate through other classrooms to do winter themed activities.

The break was much needed however. We left our house on Saturday, Christmas Eve, at 4 pm (after Tom got out of work a little late) and drove the 2 hours ish to go see my family. Christmas with the Bedell's was a blast (from what I remember at least..... ). On Christmas morning we woke up and had a delicious breakfast of cinnamon buns, then headed off to NY. I highly reccomend traveling on Christmas Day. Traffic was a breeze. We got to NY and hung out with the family for the rest of the day. The rest of the time in NY was relaxing. We didn't get too see all of our friends :( but we did get to spend a lot of time hanging out with Tom's parents and siblings :)

We left NY on Thursday and headed back to my parents... Oh yeah, Bentley had been staying with them while we were in NY because we recently discovered that he is not entirely kid friendly... and if you know Tom's family, being non kid friendly is not an option! (So far there are 16 grand kids).

Upon our arrival at my parents we had a gingerbread house making contest with my brothers, sister in law, and neice and nephew.
Yes thats right... our house has a yard with pixie stick now and a cobblestone front walk.  We even have a mailbox and a snowman.

My husband ingeniously made a carrot nose for the snowman out of an orange jelly bean!

Me, Tom and John
And then one without John.... 

Grandpa reading Frosty the Snowman to Tick Tac

Tom being gross.

The evening was ended with a game of charades (which my team won... go Alyssa, John and Dad!)

We got back to Baltimore on Friday and enjoyed a nice long nap that afternoon.  Saturday Tom and I were both back to work.  

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